
In 45 Minutes Libby Story's Live One-On-One Session Can Make You Excited to Get Dressed Again.

Have you tried online styling services and they are just not getting it done? Our new live style training helps you develop your fashion confidence. Learn and shop at the same time.


Clarify Your Style

Get Live Virtual Training

Grow Self Confidence

You should not be overwhelmed and feel dread or confusion every time you walk into your closet.

Other subscription styling sites are getting it completely wrong. If you are reading this you probably feel the same way. This "Fashion Roulette" game of sending you clothing that you may or may not like is a waste of time and is not helpful.
Not knowing your personal style or how to put outfits together can lead to a lack of self-confidence and can even make you feel depressed. Maybe you simply want to shop and don't know where to start. When you book a live one-on-one style session with Libby Story, you are taking the first step to educate yourself and make styling yourself fun.

Instant Feedback

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Guided Style System

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Build Your Closet

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Monthly Sessions

Vix oporteat gubergren ne, dicam altera argumentum mei no, an ius verear offendit tacimates. Sed eu sumo labitur verterem, quod feugait euripidis ex sit